About the Esquiche Coudes Rugby Club

The Esquiche Coudes is a club of former rugby union players gathering every Thursday evenings for a friendly training session. The training sessions take place in Aix-en-Provence at the Maurice David stadium, on the smaller and artificial rugby field from 8.30 pm. Everybody is welcome, all shapes and sizes regardless of your rugby background. Once a month a game is played against sides sharing a true passion for rugby and its values. We love to play and we love to party afterwards!

In order to cope with age and our old legs a few rules have been slightly amended:

  • scrums are not pushed,
  • tries are not converted,
  • kicks are only allowed behind the 22 meter line.

The training sessions are always followed by a few beers at the club house where we discuss tackles, tumbles, the off side rule, knock-ons but more importantly good food and wine.

The season starts on the first Thursday of September following the 10 km race from Cucuron to Vaugines, a race in which the Esquiche Coudes rugby club every year wins a trophy for the team with the biggest numbers of players participating to the event. The reason why we always come in numbers is because a case of wine is up for grabs…

The season ends with our annual barbecue on the top of the Sainte Victoire on the last Thursday (depend of the players members disponibility) of June before going on the Esquiche Coudes international rugby tour.
Indeed every year the Esquiche Coudes travel to play a game of rugby or be part of a friendly tournament. In recent times we have had the pleasure to go to places such as Glasgow, Barcelona, Rome, Abergaverny and Padova where we have always had fun times and met great people.

So if you share our way of life, our passion for rugby and good food and wine, please feel free to get in touch with us and we will surely be able to arrange something.